2023 to Present - Sophia Dinubilo

2022 - N/A

2019 to 2021 - Rachel Hutchinson

2016 to 2019 - Alex Bridges

2014 to 2016 - Megan McKennon

2012 to 2014 - Kayli Mickey

2010 to 2012 - Carly Bender, Kayli Mickey

2009 to 2010 - Kayli Mickey

2008 to 2009 - Carly Bender, Kayli Mickey

​2003 to 2007 - Kelli Montgomery

2000 to 2001 - Nicole Swanson

1999 to 2000 - Jennifer Wright

1996 to 1999 - Becky Hardin, Jennifer Wright

​1995 to 1996 - Becky Hardin

1991 to 1995 - Kathy Gilbert

1990 to 1991 - Colleen Smith

1987 to 1990 - Sharon Humble

1986 to 1987 - Tammy Taylor

1985 to 1986 - Stacey Clarity

1983 to 1985 - Kim Lucey

1981 to 1983 - Elizabeth Lepori

1980 to 1981 - Annette Davis, Susan Renton, Elizabeth Lepori

1979 to 1980 - Susan Renton, Annette Davis, Cindy Ward, Elizabeth Lepori

1978 to 1979 - Susan Renton, Annette Davis, Cindy Ward

1977 to 1978 - Annette Davis, Debbie Brown, Angela Pucciarello, Cindy Ward

1976 to 1977 - Patti Juno, Debbie Brown, Angela Pucciarello, Cindy Ward

1975 to 1976 - Marsha Smith, Patti Juno, Debbie Brown

1973 to 1975 - Marsha Smith, Patti Juno, Casey Chandler, Debbie Brown

1970 to 1973 - Delia Kincaid

1969 to 1968 - Jan Yates

1965 to 1968 - Dottie Wilson

1963 to 1965 - Camille Cooper

1958 to 1961 - Judi-Pat Evers

1956 to 1957 - Merril Smith, Linda Boyce, Barbara Cheney, Gleni Blount, Toy Mason

1955 to 1956 - (Feature) Barbara Gallegher

1955 to 1956 - (Majorettes) Helen Carnes, Linda Boyce, Barbara Cheney, Merril Smith, Thalia Smith

1954 to 1955 - Barbara Gallegher 

1953 to 1954 - Billy Briggs

A big thank you to the 2019-2021 "Doll", Rachel Hutchinson, for                                                putting together this list of the SMU Twirler History! 

Southern Methodist University Feature Twirler History

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We are working on making this list as comprehensive as possible. If you are aware of any info that is not listed, please email Texastwirlcontact@gmail.com so that we can add it to this page. 

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